David Alexander

Profile Updated: March 25, 2019
David Alexander
Residing In Manhattan, KS USA
Spouse/Partner Rosemarie K. Alexander
Occupation Retired Construction Cost Estimator
Children Traci, born 1972
Christina, Born 1976
Melissa, Born 1975 adopted
Rebekah, Born 1994
Military Service United States Navy  
David Alexander


Yes! Attending Reunion

My first wife passed away March of 2000
We were married 28 years and both of us worked for Black & Veatch. She was in the Water Division and I in the Federal Division and Construction. I also worked for Walton Construction on the Station Casino, Koll Construction on the Great Mall of the Great Plains and the EPA regional Headquarters Bldg in KCK.
I met my current wife at church on Easter Sunday 2013. She is from the Manhattan Area and has also lived in Derby KS. She worked for Riley County Elections when I met her and currently is the Graduation Officer for Kansas State University. Married five years and very much in love with the sweet lady.

School Story

Attended one year at Mid America Nazarene - then join the US Navy. Most of my career was working Missile Defense with B&V and the DoD. I am happy I did not create a lot of student debt and joined the construction & engineering industry where I have learned much.
I also admit I am jealous of those spirited wars of KSU/KU/MU/Big Red, etc.. I probably missed a lot. However today living in Manhattan, I get to participate with the Wildcats and watch as others in the big 12 take their best shots at us.

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Sep 24, 2019 at 2:13 PM
David Alexander changed his profile picture.
Mar 25, 2019 at 4:58 PM
David Alexander posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 23, 2019 at 12:48 AM

Posted on: Mar 25, 2019 at 4:58 PM

Hello Chris - I have thought of you many times over the years.
It was hard growing up - but it has been fun.
The photo is of my wife and I on the Sea of Galilee last May when the USA opened the embassy in Jerusalem.

David Alexander has left an In Memory comment for Mike Collier.
Mar 25, 2019 at 4:33 PM

Mike, we did a lot of things folks would say we shouldn't do.  It was a good ride, I hope to see you on the other side.